Share & present allows you to share your files in the most efficient way. In only 3 clicks you can securely send your music to anyone. And more importantly, you can choose what they can do with it!
Try this feature for freeShare
Bridge allows you to choose the most efficient way to send your music at the right time and for the right person. Copy a Quick link or an Individual link, and send it to anyone you want! You also can share your music by Email directly via Bridge.
Create custom projects or playlists to share. To go along your audio files, you can add a text description, hyperlinks, images, videos, and all kind of files. You can create Electronic Press Kits and all sorts of good looking custom pages to share your music, with a professional look.
Choose what can be done with your music. Should the recipient only listen to your music ? Download an MP3 version of your file? Download the original quality file you provided? Maybe you’ll want them to do all three.
Secure your music by adding a password on any link you want to share! You can update this password anytime you want.
All your links are permanent. The age of expired links is over. You decide to turn on or off a link whenever you want. Your links are also dynamic. Meaning you can add or remove files from your links without needing to provide new links every time. All links will update automatically with the updated content.
Share what you want
You can share full projects, or Artist pages, Album pages, or just one track. Don’t hesitate sharing files other than audio! You can also send pictures, videos, pdf, spreadsheets, text documents…