Dowse Music

Created in 2015
Genre: Electronic
Location: Montreuil

Contact Dowse Music

15 rue de Valmy
93100  Montreuil

About Dowse Music

Founded in 2015 under the impulse of Clément Rueda (aka Weda), Dowse Music is an independent French label born out of the desire to accompany and bring to light artists and producers.

Initially launched as a musical talent scout laboratory, Dowse was born in the form of a web media to spot and share musical discoveries - called dowse - and reveal still unknown artists.

How does the relationship between record companies and artists work?

Once you have signed with a record company, you will have dedicated people to work with. Often it will be a project manager, and one or more artistic directors in charge of your project. These will be the main contacts with whom you will exchange. From then on, they will be at your service, and will listen to your needs while taking into account the specifications carried out throughout your contract.

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