Pro Tips

Tips for music reception - get many (and qualitative) demos

Robin Ambroise-Thomas - Content Creator,

Robin Ambroise-Thomas

Content Creator,

Receiving music in the digital era has its own processes and rules

Whether you’re a record label, a music supervisor, a content creator, a beatmaker organizing a listening session or simply a music lover, receiving music from artists and friends is an exciting experience. It can also open new opportunities for you - on both artistic and financial levels. But, how do you streamline this process? How do you make sure you’re able to access and appreciate the music you receive?

In this article, we’ll explore some key steps for effectively receiving music, and optimize the potential of the whole process!

Establish clear communication channels

Make it easy for people to share music with you by establishing clear communication channels. It is important to provide clear guidelines on how you prefer to receive music.

There are many options available for the channels you can use to receive music. You can stick to “traditional” tools, such as a contact form on your website or a dedicated email address. Most record labels and music supervisors still use an address like for receiving music submissions.

Alternatively, you can choose file-sharing platforms or specialized solutions for receiving audio files. is one of them. These options are without doubt less time-consuming. Most importantly, they offer useful - music focused - features that platforms like Google Drive or WeTransfer do not provide.

Be specific about the file formats you accept, the types of links you prefer (for example, if you only want to receive SoundCloud, WeTransfer, or links), and any additional information you require, such as track metadata or artwork.

Once you have chosen your communication channel and set the rules, ensure that it is visible. Add a link to your inbox page or your email address in the descriptions of your social media profiles. Make sure these contact details are also prominently displayed on your website; footers and “Contact” pages are prime locations for this information.

Use file-sharing platforms and cloud storage

There are numerous file-sharing platforms available, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and WeTransfer, that make it somewhat easier to receive files. These platforms are handy for sharing large files, like high-quality audio tracks, without overloading email inboxes. Being cloud storage solutions, you can access the files on any device.

However, these solutions have limitations, as they are not specifically designed for audio files:

⏯️ Streaming options might not be optimal (limited player, sometimes no preview at all, an average of 6 clicks required to listen to a track).

📚 They are not designed to function as audio libraries.

⏳ You may lose a considerable amount of time navigating between folders.

There are tools, such as, specifically designed to address these issues and provide a more seamless experience when working with audio files.

Use - an alternative to WeTransfer, Google Drive, or Dropbox - made for the audio industry is a better solution on both sides, for sender and recipient.

On Bridge you can set up an Inbox, a dedicated solution for receiving music with just one click, directly in your workspace within a unique interface.

An inbox link on
An example of a Inbox: easy to use for both the artist and the recipient

With the Bridge Inbox:

🚀 Recipients can receive music in just one second through a unique link that can be inserted anywhere

📍 All submissions are gathered in one convenient location and accessible with a single click! (No more hours spent navigating through emails)

💖 You can easily add tracks you like to your library and get in touch with the submitter

📤 Submitters can add a description along with additional files such as cover pictures, links, videos, and PDFs

🔔 Submitters receive notifications when you open and stream their tracks, so follow-ups are smooth and easy

All the tracks you receive do not count in your Bridge storage!

Organize your music library

As you receive music, it’s essential to maintain an organized library. Create a system for sorting tracks by genre, artist, or project. You can also make the most of metadata, such as tags, comments, or other ID3 tags. It will simplify searching and filtering your music library.

Manually adding all that data can be time-consuming. However, with the help of music description AI, your entire catalog can be tagged in mere minutes. recently introduced RIA, an AI that collects your entire catalog and enriches it like no other with Metadata + Tags.

RIA, the auto-tagging solution powered by
Example of a track enriched with RIA

You can learn more about RIA by clicking here.

Staying organized will help you find the right track whenever you need it quickly.

Listen and engage with the music

Make time to listen to the music you receive and engage with it.

Offer feedback to the artists or friends who shared the music with you, and consider sharing tracks you enjoy with your network. By actively engaging with the music you receive, you show appreciation for the creators and can potentially spark new collaborations or connections.

Discover new platforms and communities

Explore new platforms and online communities where you can receive music from emerging artists and like-minded individuals. Websites like SoundCloud, Bandcamp, and YouTube are great places to discover new music and interact with creators. Additionally, joining online forums, social media groups, or music-focused subreddits can expose you to new genres and artists to add to your library.

Live music event
Demos are sent online but talents can still be found in live music events

Attending live music events, conferences, and networking gatherings can also be an excellent way to receive music. By connecting with artists and industry professionals in person, you can exchange contact information and inbox links, and potentially receive exclusive tracks, demos, or unreleased material via private and secured links like the ones provided by

Stay open to new genres and styles

Finally, be open to receiving music from various genres and styles. By expanding your musical horizons, you’ll not only enrich your library but also gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse world of music. Embrace the opportunity to discover new sounds and find inspiration in the music you receive.

Effectively receiving music involves clear communication, utilizing file-sharing or specialized music sharing platforms, staying organized, engaging with the music, and being open to new experiences. By following these steps, you’ll be well-equipped to appreciate the music you receive and make the most of the connections you forge through shared audio experiences.

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