Announcement joins the ESML family

Félix Chupin - Product Manager,

Félix Chupin

Product Manager,

The ESML - Syndicat des Editeurs de Service de Musique en Ligne is now officially part of the ESML (Syndicat des Éditeurs de Services de Musique en Ligne): this is the French Federation of Digital Music Services Providers. We join a vivid community of successful music industry companies, such as Spotify, Deezer, Qobuz, and many more.

Here are some extracts from the ESML press release, translated from French:

“We bid welcome to Sophie Gossens, ReedSmith office partner, as new counselor of the ESML since January, 1st 2021. She succeeds Gilles Bressand.

The ESML warmly thanks Gilles Bressand for his unconditional and precious support to the federation, from its creation in 2011 until today.

Starting in 2021, the ESML is also very proud to welcome into its midst two new members:

  • Akius: a french music tech start-up rethinking livestream experiences, and artists’ remuneration system.

  • a cloud-based platform for music professionals to store, manage, and share their audio assets. 🌈

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the ESML. This celebration comes in a context of steady development, that allowed the whole French recorded music sector to return to economic growth. Yet the industry is still facing many challenges. That is why the ESML must pursue its strong actions to support the legal online music market.

The ESML announcement
ESML original announcement

The ESML Goals and Values:

Our main objective is to effectively ensure diversity among the players of the digital music industry. A healthy competition to help all actors reach excellence.

Through its numerous actions, the ESML focuses on pushing innovation in the music industry, uniting its members against piracy, with a shared goal of economic growth."

We would like to thank the ESML board of directors for trusting our company. It is a great and exciting responsibility. This new membership is aligned with our long-term project. We aim at making a lasting impact on all the industry, by easing the business of sound.

In other words, keeps moving forward, and that makes us very proud.

The Team   🌈

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