
AdSync Listening Session - SPSP x Sync Summit with

The team -

The team

The team reviews the recent SPSP x Sync Summit listening session event.

In mid-October 2023, the SPSP (Syndicat des Producteurs de Sons pour la Publicité, aka the French syndicate of sound producers for advertising) announced an open listening session with Sync Summit. We, at, wanted to help the members of the SPSP discover the tracks of all entitled participants (songwriters, composers, record labels, etc).

To all participants, we join the organizers to say thank you for your submissions in this contest! During the listening session was announced a Short List of 100 tracks you submitted. But considering the tremendous number of tracks with sync potential received, an extended playlist of 800 tracks seemed like the best option to display everyone’s work to the members of the SPSP.

So here are four playlists sorted by artist’s name in alphabetical order. Find out if your tracks have been selected 😉

Artists A-B

Artists C-G

Artists H-M

Artists N-S

Artists T-Z

This session was a fierce success : by the 7th of November the SPSP had already received more than 5000 tracks, amongst which 800 were identified as having a (very) strong sync potential with advertising. The contest was rounded of with a Live Listening Session 🎉

A beautiful event to round things up

Preview of the panelists for the AdSync listening session

Mark Frieser (CEO of Sync Summit) was accompanied by Gary Nuel (Nuell Entertainment), Sam Parvin (Parvin Music), Clément Souchier (, Ferdinand Huet (ELSE), Josh Rabinowitz (Brooklyn Music Exp) and Marianne Elise (Au revoir Charlie). Together they discussed topics such as music industry and copyrights but more importantly, they listened to 5 tracks of the Shortlist of 100 tracks and commented on them. In light of the quality of the productions, and driven by the enthusiasm of both partners and participants, SPSP members decided to go further with it and so did we!

The organizers of the event


The Syndicat des Producteurs de Sons pour la Publicité (SPSP) was established in 2011 with the goal of improving knowledge of the background, methods, and mindset of this profession.

It brings together most of the industry’s players around a deontological and ethical chart, and its goal is to enlarge the market in order to homogenise the supply in order to better meet demand.

Sync Summit

The Sync Summit is a premier global event that focuses on the intersection of music and media, particularly emphasizing music licensing for visual and interactive media. It offers a unique platform for networking, education, and sharing knowledge in the business of music synchronization (sync).

Media partners

Media partners such as Groover, Wiseband, Audiofanzine, Fair, Soundbirth, Base For Music, Mila, EMIC and Studiomatic allowed for this event to be such a success. Thanks to them 😉

The technical bits

A shared workspace for the SPSP members

We knew that we couldn’t ask each supervisor from SPSP to listen to 800 tracks split over 5 different playlists. Even more so, we knew they couldn’t spontaneously memorize them for future research. So we created a shared workspace to allow them to surf through all playlisted tracks.

Screenshot of Bridge’s interface displaying members of a workspace
Here is a list of the members of SPSP on their shared workspace.

Our Music Analysis AI to the rescue

Finding a needle in a haystack, finding the perfect title for a commercial, … Thanks to the quality of the tracks received and the technological suite offered by Bridge, things are now quick and easy for ad producers.

We used our very own AI to tag all tracks from the shared workspace, with a tremendous level of details: genres and sub-genres, instruments, vocals, moods…

If, for example, a producer is looking for something fun and refreshing to try on a commercial for a fashion brand targetting teenagers. He can then perform a very detailed search using the filters on his Bridge workspace. For example he can look for genre : disco, vocal : feminine, and mood : dancing. Bridge will easily and almost instantly show the most relevant results from his entire library. Depending on what you are looking for it could narrow down your search from several hundreds tracks to a very precise and relevant 6 or 7 tunes.

Screenshot of Bridge’s Interface showing the use of tag filters.
Here’s how users can filter the tracks with great precision thanks to tags.

The composer’s contact info is encoded on each of the tracks!

After a search, if the SPSP supervisors wished to contact you, they could, because we put your contact info in your track metadata ! It can be found in the Comment field.

As you already understand, Bridge facilitates exchanges between all music players : artists, record labels, publishers, music supervisors, media…

Screenshot of’s interface showing where we put all contact info
Here’s where the contact info is available for ad producers (in the Comment section)

Let’s take a second to picture handling this task without! Imagine the challenge of sorting through more than 2,000 emails, each containing a variety of rough audio files and links scattered across different platforms such as Soundcloud, YouTube, WeTransfer, Spotify, and others. The complexity of organising these submissions, tracking who listened to which tracks, identifying preferences, and, importantly, the task of creating and sharing playlists would be overwhelming. But hey, that’s where swoops in to save the day!

Even if you opt for a seemingly more appropriate service like Dropbox, you will be grappling with over 2,000 folders, each packed with 3 to 5 tracks, without even being able to edit them.

But above all, without Bridge, how can we make these tracks useful for audiovisual professionals? A music supervisor would have no use for a messy spreadsheet, a folder made up of 2000 sub-folders in the names of artists he doesn’t yet know: he needs a song manager that is collaborative, extremely detailed, and flexible; hence Bridge’s shared workspaces.

Towards a new form of intermediation

The success of this session is of particular interest to us, because it confirms the need for a new feature that will be introduced in the coming weeks.

Soon, audiovisual professionals, particularly supervisors, will be able to access the catalogues of the greatest labels, publishers, and artists in a single workspace, named the “Hub.” They’ll be able to surf through these catalogues as quickly as possible, including being able to contact the rightful owner with a single click.

Finally, and to wrap things up in style, we’ve compiled the best quotes from the SPSP members on submitted tracks!

Preview of reviews given by the jury on submitted tracks

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